Friday, July 3, 2009

updates on everyone

I feel like I have been unconnected to the world lately. (Which is funny considering most of my day is spent online in hopes of connecting. Ahhh the irony.) Here is what is going on in our lives.

Rob: He is officially done with his hellish first summer session of classes. He actually managed to pull out a 4.0 for the semester. Not that I am surprised, he is super studious and smart. He has a total of 4 classes left and he will finally be a college graduate. I couldn't be more proud of him for it. I can only imagine how tough it was to pick up and go back to a major university after a 10 year hiatus. He was in classes where his professors were younger than him (and me for that matter).

The kids: Emma is getting too smart for her own good. I bought her this awesome Leap Frog fridge phonics thing. I got it on sale at Target for $15 and I can't rave enough about it. Seriously, this thing is amazing! Emma went from knowing none of her letter sounds to being able to put words together! I will be getting this for her next. I am incredibly proud of how far she is coming with her letters/reading. It is hard to believe that she is almost ready for school. (We have another year to get everything in order.)

Arabel popped another tooth through this morning. She now has 9 teeth, her newest one is a molar. I am baffled by how fast she is growing up. Her personality has blossomed in the past few months. She has a fantastic sense of humor and laughs all the time. Just recently she has started to enjoy dancing and has quite the moves.

Me: I am still trying to decide what in the hell to do with my life. I have a dear friend who was recently laid off and she took a wedding consultant job. I realized how incredibly jealous of her job I was. Rob and I have talked about what I could do to remedy that situation. Looks like I will slowly be starting to build my database about vendors in the area. That will be the first step in me starting a career that I would love. It will be a very long road ahead, but maybe this will help me feel like my life is getting on track. One day maybe you can say, "you knew me when" this was just a dream.

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