Friday, June 17, 2011

Braggy Braggy

There are times in a mom's life that you are literally bursting at the seams with pride. Today was one of those days for me. Emma (who recently requested she be called Emmy now- specifically EMMY, because she likes having 4 letters in her name) had her last report card mailed home. I received her report card today. I was like a little kid on Christmas, I couldn't wait to tear into it. Report cards aren't just for the kids, it is more for the parents. I need the moment where I have the teacher back up that I am doing something right. (If you don't have kids, you have no idea... get at me when you have them.) Emmy's report card made me want to climb on the roof and exclaim from the roof tops that I rock as a parent. She literally aced everything. Every time there was some thing she could get a "4" (meeting or exceeding expectations) on, she got the 4. Every single math/writing/reading questions she nailed. Oh, then throw in that she was reading at a first grade level pretty much all year... and ended the year at a beginning second grade reading level... jesus, I need CPR. I just died, my kid is THAT awesome. My kid that could barely write letters 9 months ago is writing and reading at a second grade level now. I WIN!! Well, I rock as a parent and she had the most amazing teacher known to man. (I love the woman like she was a part of my family... I had to tear down the hall on the last day before I burst into tears when I said thank you and good bye.)

P.S. When in the hell did I become a sap? I was in tears writing my thank you note to Em's teacher. Good lord, I never thought that I would be that person. EVER.

Friday, June 10, 2011

oh hai there...

Yeah, I pretty much have sucked at blogging lately. No really good reasons, just utter laziness on my part.

My dishwasher detergent is working smashingly. I love to be able to whip up a new batch whenever we are out rather than having to run to the store.

Emma finished kindergarten today. I broke down sobbing when I was writing her teacher a thank you note. The end of the year really snuck up on me and I was rather unprepared for it. I have never been one of those moms that cries when their kid starts school, or loses a tooth. I was a fricken mess today though. Watching my girl grow so much this year really pulled at my heart strings. Her teacher is a saint, and she adored Emma. I actually had to get out of there before I started bawling, as they were saying their goodbyes. She is growing up entirely too fast for my liking. She is 6 1/2. When in the hell did that happen?? (Yeah, yeah, I know... that past 6 1/2 years.) Emma is truly becoming a young lady. She is courteous and kind, friendly, sensitive, too smart for her own good, and just a joy. We were incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful teacher this year. I can only hope that they will maintain a relationship for years to come. Emma is lucky enough to have found a kindred spirit at school as well. Watching her form friendships is amazing. I have already arranged weekly play dates for the two girls for over the summer.

Emma lost her first tooth last weekend. See what I mean about this growing up thing?

Arabel is hysterical and trying. She refuses to fully potty train though she has been halfway there for months. She gets her stubborness from her father. :)

The girls are flower girls in a wedding next month. I am super excited to see them all dolled up and looking like the little princesses that they are.

I spent 2 whole days at Em's school this week. It was incredibly hot and I was exhausted by the end of it, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I love that her school is close enough and invited parents to participate in many of their activities. Plus, I got a pretty sweet tan too.