Tuesday, June 1, 2010

minus 1

I weighed myself today. I am down 1 pound since I wrote my post that expressed my want for a better me. I am totally OK with any progress, even though it is 1 pound in 2 weeks. (Plus, pretty sure that I am retaining a mass amount of water due to my impending shark week.)

I have drastically cut down on my pop intake. I have been drinking iced tea when I feel the urge for something other than water at work. I haven't cut out pop completely, but it is one of my vices. Plus, fountain Coke and Dr. Pepper make me swoon.

We have gotten out of the house, we walked to the park today. I drastically underestimated the amount of time that it would take us to get there. So much so, that Rob picked us up at the park rather than making the trek back. I also chose to eat another ear of corn and some extra watermelon when I was still hungry and in need for a snack earlier.

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